Friday, November 15, 2013

Veteran's Day Parade in Winston-Salem, NC

North Forsyth Marching Vikings bringing up the last of the Veteran's Day parade. Saving the best for last!

See that tall dude right in the middle of the photo? You might notice he has feet growing out of his knee caps, those are G's feet! Jake marched right in front of G in the parade.

This lovely lady is Jessica's mom, she and her husband chaperone for the band a lot. Something that I just do not enjoy.

It is nice to have friends who make photos, while they are chaperoning on the band bus, I get a little glimpse of what goes on when I am not around. This is J.

Like this photo, G seems to have a friend who likes Batman. Must admit I saw this coming for  a while now. Batman fan is always turned around backwards talking to G man in the stands.  And the dude behind G is Tommy. Jake and Graham have enjoyed getting to know Tommy so much in band this year. They went to their first "high school" party at Tommy's house.

And this tiny girl is Tiffany who is Jessica's sister, she is very sweet but more shy than Jessica.

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