Friday, May 29, 2015

Well Done Good and Faithful Suburban

Today Rudolph the Red Hood Suburban (aka Momma truck) delivered Graham to the bus stop for the last time.

Kenny and I purchased Rudolph in August of 1998, three months before  the arrival of twins. It is sort of hard to find a vehicle that will accommodate three car seats with  two rear facing, if you don't want a mini van. The redneck girl in me was happy with this purchase!

Rudolph is best know for his
  • GR Loomis (bonefish) sticker
  • cheese light-dome light
  • whale and top hat under the dash
  • 10 disc CD player-with a  bazooka speaker hidden in the back cargo area
  • "homeschool bus" bumper sticker.

Rudolph has over 200,000 miles on him now, he has been to the beach, to the mountains, camping, to Tennessee to meet a new niece, pulled the camper, countless trips to 4 different schools, homeschool adventures (one in the snow up and down a mountain), he has seen two teenage drivers. And only once did he ever have to come home on a wrecker.

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