Sunday, January 19, 2014

Thursday January 16, 2014

My day on Thursday started off with the realization of how lucky I am to be friends  on Facebook with many Godly women. My news-feed consisted of a shared message from Dr. David Jeremiah by Kathy Joyce, comments on selected Bible scripture by Michelle Smith, a chart  with suggested scripture to read when you are experiencing different feelings and troubles by Judy Hardwick. There were also posts from Liz Curtis Higgs a Christian speaker and author and many Moravian Churches that I have befriended because of work. God just really blessed me that morning with all his goodness right there on Facebook! Sort of made me wonder what I would be facing that day. 
I arrived at work looking forward to getting some things completed and then off to a new photography class at Surry Community College, something that I had long  wanted to do. Right about noon my world came crashing down. No really! I heard something that sounded like glass falling. I covered my head and dove  for the opposite corner of the room, because I could imagine something big coming through the window. When all the noise stopped I was on the floor, I turned too see the ceiling tile on my desk, plus plaster off the wall above the dropped in ceiling. 
My nerves were shot to say the least.  I had always wondered if I would have the presence of mind to protect myself if I were ever faced with with to. I was pretty impressed that I knew enough to get out of the way. Only injury was a small carpet burn on my knee and some congestion from all the dust. 

And here we have Graham Morgan. Practicing with his bow for the NoFo Hunters Safety Shooting Team. This was late in the afternoon and I did not use a flash which was my aim: to control the lightness in the photo with the ISO setting. So I did learn a little something in the class on Thursday night! Next I need to address the balance of ISO and aperture settings. Go ME!
So those are the events that Thursday brought to me. How blessed I am to not be hurt  and was able to calm my nerves from the days events well enough to move on to my evening schedule and to have a mostly normal day with all the blessings in my life.