Sunday, October 27, 2013

Alma's Ghost

I am not one for much Halloween decorating but one thing I do put out most years is this little ghost. I found it in a box of stuff from my Grandmother's estate sale.  I think someone probably made it and gave it to her in her later years, because I don't remember her ever working with wood.  However it brings me fond memories as I hang in on my lamp post thinking about her while hanging that little ghost.
My grandparents ran a country store until my grandfather died when I was 16. I also remember my grandfathers favorite way to decorate for Halloween. He would park his truck at the end of the store with just the front of the truck visible. Then he would some how attach the plastic jack o lantern buckets that kids carry to put their treasures in, to the headlights of the truck. He would turn on the head lights to illuminate the orange plastic buckets. 
Good times, fond memories, Happy Halloween!

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